Pierce County Events Calendar
This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.
Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:
- Name of Event
- Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
- Organizer(s) name
- Cost
- URL to purchase tickets
- Website URL
- SHORT description of the event
- Photo
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# farmersmarket #12K #2021Casino4aCause #6thavetacoma #Advocate #art #artontheave #ArtsNightOut #ASAPCGala2021 #Bike #BlackJacketSymphony #blacksmith #Blonde #BreakTheSilence #BruceCockburn #BSAAT #BusinessImpactNW #buylocal; #CelebratingDreams #childrensevents #communityconversation #daffodilramblers #Darlingside #DEFY #deliaephron #downtowntacoma #earlychildhoodeducation #earlyintervention #ESIT #expirementalelectronic #fairtrade #family #familyevent #filmscreening #food #fortnisqually #freefilmscreening #gamenight #gigharbor #gigharborseniorcenter #gram #gramnash #Halloween #hardcider #harlemrenaissance #hawaiianmusic #HilltopArtists #historicdistrict #holidayparty #IleneBeckerman #isabel wilkerson #Juneteenth #Lakewold #lakewoodplayhouse #LedZeppelin #LedZeppelinIV #lgbtqia #light #LiveAuction #livemusic #livinghistory #localhistory #localvendors #Lovett #martialarts #metroparks #Multicare #nash #NativeAmerican #noisemusic #noiserodeo #noraephron #Northern Pacific Railroad #NorthTacoma #nwsinfonietta #olmsted #Olympia #online #OurSistersHouse #PacificNorthwesIndian #pantagestheater #PierceCounty #pointdefiance #pointruston #Prevention #pubquiz #PudgetSoundEnergy #PugetSound #PuyllupWA #RebuildingHope! #RebuildingTogether #Recipe #rialtotheater #S&G #seattlemenschorus #sextraffickingprevention #SexualAssaultAwareness #shopping #shopsmallbusiness #SilverCloud #simonandgarfunkel #SingleJingle #singles #SinglesEvent #SMC #spanishballroom #sunsetautofamily #tacoma #Tacoma Historical Society #tacomaaikikai #tacomaartslive #tacomaevent #tacomamusicalplayhouse #tacomaporchfest #Tacomapublicschools #tacomartslive #tacomatreelighting #TacomaUrbanLeague #tacomawa #theateronthesquare #thecurrent #thekinseycollection #TreatyWar #treelighting #TrickorTreat #TUPAC #UnitedWayofPierceCounty #universityofpugetsound #valentinesday #victorian #washingtontraffickingprevention #WeAreRebuilders #williamduvall #WineTasting #WomeninBusiness #WomanOwned #WomenEntrepreneurs #SmallBusinessBigImpact #wrestling #WTP #YogaWild 10 12 Days of Goodness 12th man 1960s 1968 1K Kids 21+ 253 5k 5K run 60's 60s hits 6th Ave 7 seas brewing 70's 70s hits 80's 80's band 80s hits 80s music 80s R&B 90s hits 90s music a cappella A Christmas Carol ABBA acm acoustic acoustic punk folk acrobats Acting activism activist Actor adaptive aids adelphian concert choir adelphians Adoption Adult adult events adults adventure advocacy Aerospace affordable affordable home gardening affordable housing African Theme afro-cuban AI Ailey Ailey II air show Alice in Wonderland alistair macrae all ages allergies allhallows all_ages Alma Mater Alma Venue Alpacas alt alt-americana alt-country alternative folk Alteryx Alzheimer's america's car museum america's got talent america's got talent auditions American Cancer Society american idol americana Americana music Ancestry and looms filling your space? Then this is the place for you! Join us once a month for a fiber-lover meet-up. The first Friday of every month from 5-7pm anderson Anderson Island Angst animal art animal lovers animal rescue animals Anna Wittstruck Anniversary anniversary celebration Anoushka Shankar antivalentinesday apartment garden apcc96 apple squeeze arcade Aretha aretha franklin Ars and crafts art Art and crafts Art Battle art class art classes art event art project art reception Art shows art studio art talk art walk art workshops arthistory Artisan Artisan Gift Fair artisans artist artist reception Artists arts Arts ad crafts Arts anc crafts Arts and cra Arts and craft Arts and craftgs arts and crafts arts education artwalk artwork ashford asia pacific cultural center AsianHeritage assisted living assistive technology atari athletes Attitude Auburn auburn automobiles auction audition auditions Author author events autism autism-friendy auto auto show automotive AUTUMN Award awards awareness B53 Baby Shark bach Backpacking bacon Bailadores de Bronce bake sale balance Ballet balloons band Bands Barbershop Chours Barbershop Quartet Barbershop Quartets Barbershop Show Barracuda Barrel Mountain Brewing bars baseball basketball bates technical college Battery testing bazaar bbq bead crafts beastie boys tribute band beer beer garden Beer gardens beer pairing beer release beer tasting beginning gardener Belgian beer Bellevue Business Networking Bellevue Networking Bellydance benefit benefit concert bicycling bicyling Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Big Band Music bikeswap bingo bipoc bird walks birds bizarre black and latin communities Black and Latinx Communities Black Fleet Brewing black history blackberry blacksmithing blind blindness Blond blood drive blown glass bluegrass bluegrass rock blues boating boats boatshow bob Bob's Comedy Jive bob's java jive body image body pain body shaming Boeing Classic Bonney Lake book Book Club book launch Book Release Book Signing Book Talk book tour booklaunch bookrelease books booth Bootleg border songs boris berman bourbon boutique bowling bowls Boxing branding brass Breakfast Breast Cancer Awareness Breast Health brew Brew Five Three brewery breweryblocks bridal event Broadway Broadway Center Broadway Center for the Performing Arts brown ale brown bag lunch brunch brunch buffet Bryan Johnston Bryan Willis Buddha Buddhism Buddy Holly budgeting Bunko bunny Burlesque bus tour busineiss business Business Development business education business networking business professionals businesswomen buxtehude buyandsell Cabaret camp camping Camps cancer awareness candle making candy Cannabis Canvas Captain Christoper Vanghele Newtown Police Department car event car show Carbs career career change career exploration career fair career transition class careers caregiver Caregiving Carlene Carter CarlyCalabrese carol milgard breast center carols cars Cartoon cary elwes Cascade Regional Blood Services Casino cat Catholic cats celebrate celebration celebrity cello Celtic Chamber music chamber orchestra chamber-pop Chambers Creek chambersbay Champagne championofsocialjustice Charcterwork charity Charity and Causes chat cheney stadium chess Chicago Child class children children's museum of tacoma Children's Therapy Center childrens events childrens theater ChildrensTheater; Family; chocolate chocolate beer choir choir festival Choir of Man choirs choral choral music chorale chorus chris chris anderson Christian ChristineRose christmas christmas bazaar christmas concert Christmas Event Christmas market christmas music christmas revels christmas tree lighting Chronic Pain church cider ciderswig cinco de mayo Cinema Circle Up Events circle up productions circleupfun circus Cirq cirque Cirque Eloize Saloon Cirque Mechanics Zephyr citizenship City of Lakewood city of tacoma civic civil rights clarinet clarinet ensemble class classes classic car classic cars Classical classical music clean comedian clean energy clean water Climate climate change climbing clothing club Clubs cmbc co-ops coaching cocktails Coding coffee coffee conversation collage Colleen Frakes college performance college prep collegeperformance collins memorial library color Color Me color run coloring comedian comedy comedy benefit comedy club Comedy Night Comedy Show comedyclub comic comic books comicon comics communication community community building community college community event community meeting Competition Composer Computer Recycling concert concert band concert series concerts conducting Conference confidence conservation consignment constipation construction consulting contest continuting education convention conversation convocation Cooking cooking class cooking demos coolio cooperative cornhole Coronary Disease cosmetic cosplay costume costume ball costume contest costume party costumes coughes country country music Country Music Hall of Fame country rock countryfied rock & roll couple Couples Courthouse cover band cowboy cowboyart craft craft beer craft fair craftbeer crafts create creating Creative Creative Colloquy Creative Writing creatives creativity credit union Creedence Clearwater Crime Criminal Justice crochet crowdfunding Cruise show cruises crunge ctckids ctckidsmoveathon cuisine Culture cupcakes for a cause custody daddy daught daddy daughter daffodil parade Dan Rather dance dance hits Dance Music dance party dancers dancing dancinggoats daniellekartes data analytics data visualization date date night Datenight dating Dave Dave Mason David Bowie David Sedaris dawn padula Day camp Day of Service day of the dead daymaker daymakerfilm dealership Deep in the Woods Defending the Caveman dementia Dental dental health month dentists deplorables derby design Dessert Destiny City Destiny City Comics Destiny City Film Festival dia de los muertos Diabetes diabetic retinopathy dinner dinosaurs dirty jokes disabilities disco disco dress-up discount Discouss discussion disney Disney Princesses displays distillery diversity Divorce diy dj DJ Switch DNA documentary documentary film dog dog walk Dogfish Head dogs Domestic Violence donate donation doodling dorado dorian singers downtown downtown on the go downtown tacoma Doyle's doyle's public house dracula draft horse Drag Drag Queen Drag Show dragon boat drake Drama drawings drink drink specials drinking Drinking For Conservation drinks drive-in movie Drunken Telegraph Duchess of Downtown Duke Ellington dupont events Dustbowl Revival Early Detection Earth Day east tacoma easter easter bunny photos easter egg hunt easy meals eating disorders Eclipse ecofriendly ecology economicstability ed hume eduation education educational Educational Tour EFN EFT Egg Hunt eggbot El Sanchez ELA Elder Elder Abuse electro pop Electronic Recycling event eliminating anxiety Elysian embroidery Emergency Food Network Emergency services emily dickinson Emmy emotional wellbeing employment empower Empowering women energy energy healing Energy Savings Engines ensemble ensemble mik nawooj entertaimnent entertainment Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs Enviroment environment environmental education environmental equity Equity esports Eugenie Jones Euphonium event Events Events in Tacoma eventsintacoma executiveCoach exercise exhibit exhibition exhibition opening exhibits experimental explore the shore expo Extortion extreme sports face painting facebook live Faculty Recital Faculty/Student Showcase fair fairy Faith fall families family family activities family activity family caregiver family entertainment family event family events family friendly Family Friendly Entertainment family friendly event family fun family history family law family portrait familyreunification Famous families Fantasia fantasy lights farm farm to table farmers market farmers markets fashion fashion design fashion show father daughter father's day Fats FBI Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center fee concert feminism Fermenting fern hill library festival festival of sail festivalw festivities Fiber Arts Fibromyalgia Fiction Fife fill the boot film film festival