Pierce County Events Calendar

Pierce County Events Calendar

This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.

Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:

  • Name of Event
  • Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
  • Organizer(s) name
  • Cost
  • URL to purchase tickets
  • Website URL
  • SHORT description of the event
  • Photo

Our editors will review and post within a few business days.

Hey Singers! 
Jan 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Volunteer Orientation / Therapeutic Riding! @ Sundance Circle Hippotherapy
Jan 5 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Join us for volunteer orientation!

Meet the horses, tour our facility and learn about the incredible opportunities we have for volunteers!

Positions include: barn team (bring in and turn out, feeding), sidewalkers and leaders for therapy and riding sessions, session facilitators (tacking up and untacking horses), maintenance and more!

Great flexibility and perfect for students, retirees, parents, and passionate community members! People age 16+ encouraged to fill out an application at https://www.sundancehippotherapy.com/volunteer.html

Please reach out to 253-251-9994 with any questions!

Orientation Schedule:
Friday 12/16 from 12-1PM
Tuesday 12/20 from 1:30-2:30PM
Wednesday 12/28 from 9:30-10:30AM
Thursday 1/5 from 9:30-10:30AM

#volunteer #volunteering #giving #community #sumnerwa #bonneylake #puyallup #puyallupwa #tacomawa #auburnwa #ortingwa #federalwaywa #federalway #spanawaywa #grahamwa #laketapps #horses #riding #hippotherapy #physicaltherapy

Hey Singers! 
Jan 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Dacca Barn After Dark @ Dacca Barn
Jan 13 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Join us for our first styled wedding shoot open house! Cascadia Wedding and Events, along with City of Fife Parks and Recreation proudly host this FREE open house on January 13 from 5 – 7 p.m., to help connect couples, families of couples, and all those in between to local wedding vendors. The event will include a free glass of champagne for the first 100 guests, a special performance from the Memphis Belles, and the opportunity to make your big day special.

Don’t miss out!

Discover God’s Calling for Your Life @ Tacoma Arts Community Center
Jan 14 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)! God loves you so much that He intentionally created, gifted, and called you for such as a time as this. He has specifically called you and provided you all the tools you need to walk in the purpose and calling He crafted for your life. What an awesome, loving God we serve!

Knowing your calling, creates a sense of purpose, and can help you become content, happy, and confident. Why? Because walking in your calling is walking in God’s love, manifesting the glory of God. This is the how you live your best life!

Are you ready to walk in your calling?

This in-person, interactive, hands-on workshop is for women who are ready to begin the journey of aligning their lives with God’s calling. If you’re ready to explore how your current life stage correlates with your next stage in life, calling, and purpose, this workshop is for you. Now is the time to live a purpose-oriented life, unlock God’s vision for your life, grasp a fresh mindset to pivot into a happier, more fulfilling life, and impact the kingdom of God.

Tree and Shrub Planting with Nisqually Land Trust @ Lackamas Flats Protected Area
Jan 17 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

We need your help to plant hundreds of native trees and shrubs near the Nisqually River. By restoring native forest, we will be creating important shoreline habitat that will benefit salmon.

Register on Eventbrite for directions to the worksite. Click on “Tickets” for the link.

Work parties are rain or shine. Individual, pre-packaged, light snacks are provided. Minors are welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult.

Contact Emily at emily@nisquallylandtrust.org with any questions.

Tree and Shrub Planting with Nisqually Land Trust @ Lackamas Flats Protected Area
Jan 17 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

We need your help to plant hundreds of native trees and shrubs near the Nisqually River. By restoring native forest, we will be creating important shoreline habitat that will benefit salmon.

Register on Eventbrite for directions to the worksite. Click on “Tickets” for the link.

Work parties are rain or shine. Individual, pre-packaged, light snacks are provided. Minors are welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult.

Contact Emily at emily@nisquallylandtrust.org with any questions.

Hey Singers! 
Jan 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Tree and Shrub Planting with Nisqually Land Trust @ Lackamas Flats Protected Area
Jan 18 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

We need your help to plant hundreds of native trees and shrubs near the Nisqually River. By restoring native forest, we will be creating important shoreline habitat that will benefit salmon.

Register on Eventbrite for directions to the worksite. Click on “Tickets” for the link.

Work parties are rain or shine. Individual, pre-packaged, light snacks are provided. Minors are welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult.

Contact Emily at emily@nisquallylandtrust.org with any questions.

Tree and Shrub Planting with Nisqually Land Trust @ Lackamas Flats Protected Area
Jan 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

We need your help to plant hundreds of native trees and shrubs near the Nisqually River. By restoring native forest, we will be creating important shoreline habitat that will benefit salmon.

Register on Eventbrite for directions to the worksite. Click on “Tickets” for the link.

Work parties are rain or shine. Individual, pre-packaged, light snacks are provided. Minors are welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult.

Contact Emily at emily@nisquallylandtrust.org with any questions.