Pierce County Events Calendar

Pierce County Events Calendar

This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.

Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:

  • Name of Event
  • Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
  • Organizer(s) name
  • Cost
  • URL to purchase tickets
  • Website URL
  • SHORT description of the event
  • Photo

Our editors will review and post within a few business days.

Dental Health Month @ Hands On Children's Museum
Feb 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Each February we promote healthy smiles by joining with our dental community to offer free dental screenings right inside the Museum! Kids can pretend to be the dentist in our Puget Sound Dental Office exhibit and meet special guests like Amazon of Olympia. Fun, engaging activities are offered all month long.

Meet and get your photo taken with:
• The Tinker Fairy, Feb. 12, 12–¬4 p.m.
• Amazon of Olympia (Wonder Woman), Feb. 19 & 26, 12–2 p.m.
• Batman in Seattle, Feb. 26, 12–2 p.m.
Sew a Toothy Pillow
Make a Monster Mouth puppet
Practice Drilling Like a Moon Snail
Explore the Dental Exhibit in the Emergency! Gallery, open every day!
Free Dental Screenings for kids every Saturday in Feb. from 2–4 p.m. & First Friday Night Feb. 4 from 4–6 p.m.
• Reservations are required. Call (360) 956-0818 ext. 0.
Families who bring their children in for screening receive free Museum admission upon request.

Thanks to our Dental Sponsor
Small to Tall Pediatric Dentistry
• Scott T. Rowley, DMD, MSD
• Benjamin D. Ruder, DDS
• Maureen H. Craig, DDS, MSD
• Rosaleen J. Shavron, DMD
• Aarika D. Anderson Elter, DMD
• With support from SPSCC Dental Assisting Program

Check out our Dental Health Month page for more information and a complete list of sponsors.

Dental Health Month @ Hands On Children's Museum
Feb 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Each February we promote healthy smiles by joining with our dental community to offer free dental screenings right inside the Museum! Kids can pretend to be the dentist in our Puget Sound Dental Office exhibit and meet special guests like Amazon of Olympia. Fun, engaging activities are offered all month long.

Meet and get your photo taken with:
• The Tinker Fairy, Feb. 12, 12–¬4 p.m.
• Amazon of Olympia (Wonder Woman), Feb. 19 & 26, 12–2 p.m.
• Batman in Seattle, Feb. 26, 12–2 p.m.
Sew a Toothy Pillow
Make a Monster Mouth puppet
Practice Drilling Like a Moon Snail
Explore the Dental Exhibit in the Emergency! Gallery, open every day!
Free Dental Screenings for kids every Saturday in Feb. from 2–4 p.m. & First Friday Night Feb. 4 from 4–6 p.m.
• Reservations are required. Call (360) 956-0818 ext. 0.
Families who bring their children in for screening receive free Museum admission upon request.

Thanks to our Dental Sponsor
Small to Tall Pediatric Dentistry
• Scott T. Rowley, DMD, MSD
• Benjamin D. Ruder, DDS
• Maureen H. Craig, DDS, MSD
• Rosaleen J. Shavron, DMD
• Aarika D. Anderson Elter, DMD
• With support from SPSCC Dental Assisting Program

Check out our Dental Health Month page for more information and a complete list of sponsors.

Dental Health Month @ Hands On Children's Museum
Feb 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Each February we promote healthy smiles by joining with our dental community to offer free dental screenings right inside the Museum! Kids can pretend to be the dentist in our Puget Sound Dental Office exhibit and meet special guests like Amazon of Olympia. Fun, engaging activities are offered all month long.

Meet and get your photo taken with:
• The Tinker Fairy, Feb. 12, 12–¬4 p.m.
• Amazon of Olympia (Wonder Woman), Feb. 19 & 26, 12–2 p.m.
• Batman in Seattle, Feb. 26, 12–2 p.m.
Sew a Toothy Pillow
Make a Monster Mouth puppet
Practice Drilling Like a Moon Snail
Explore the Dental Exhibit in the Emergency! Gallery, open every day!
Free Dental Screenings for kids every Saturday in Feb. from 2–4 p.m. & First Friday Night Feb. 4 from 4–6 p.m.
• Reservations are required. Call (360) 956-0818 ext. 0.
Families who bring their children in for screening receive free Museum admission upon request.

Thanks to our Dental Sponsor
Small to Tall Pediatric Dentistry
• Scott T. Rowley, DMD, MSD
• Benjamin D. Ruder, DDS
• Maureen H. Craig, DDS, MSD
• Rosaleen J. Shavron, DMD
• Aarika D. Anderson Elter, DMD
• With support from SPSCC Dental Assisting Program

Check out our Dental Health Month page for more information and a complete list of sponsors.

DuPont Cherry Blossom Tea & Vintage Fashions @ The Home Course
Mar 5 @ 2:00 pm

Join neighbors and friends for the Historical Society’s annual Cherry Blossom Tea & Vintage Fashion Show! Living history performer and musician Karen Haas will once again entertain guests as they enjoy tea and a delectable light fare. Guests are encouraged to get in the spirit of the event with tea attire (the more vintage, the better!). Older children (age 8 and up) are welcome; face masks are required for all participants.
Seating is limited for this beloved local tradition — reserve your spot today! All proceeds benefit the DuPont Historical Museum.
Advance tickets only: $30/person or $224/table (seats 8)

Yoga at the Seaport @ Foss Waterway Seaport
Mar 19 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Enjoy a 60-minute yoga practice in this historic building that celebrates the rich maritime history of the region. Inspired by the bay and the importance of community connection, feel rested and restored with a mellow flow that ends with ten minutes of relaxation (Savasana, pranayama, and/or guided meditation).

Growing a Green Future: Land Use & Sustainability @ Zoom
Mar 25 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

From tree coverage & housing density to walkability & transit access, city design can make sustainable choices the easier option – or make them downright impossible. Join us as we explore how our land use policies and design choices inform the fight against climate change. This free virtual Friday Forum panel event will be held on March 25th from noon – 1:30 p.m. and will feature panelists Kristin Lynett (City of Tacoma Office of Sustainability), Steve Atkinson (City of Tacoma Planning Department), Mariana Sanchez Castillo (Washington Environmental Council), and Marquis Mason (Communities for a Healthy Bay).

Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. A recording of the panel will be available on DOTG’s Facebook and YouTube accounts. Downtown On the Go’s annual Friday Forum series is a space to discuss transportation issues and opportunities in Tacoma, to recognize real challenges facing downtown commuters and residents, and to learn about new ideas in the transportation world. The 2022 forums are framed around the question what does it mean to be Home in Tacoma? and explore the intersection of housing and transportation as Tacoma looks towards significant housing policy updates.

Yoga at the Seaport @ Foss Waterway Seaport
Apr 2 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Enjoy a 60-minute yoga practice in this historic building that celebrates the rich maritime history of the region. Inspired by the bay and the importance of community connection, feel rested and restored with a mellow flow that ends with ten minutes of relaxation (Savasana, pranayama, and/or guided meditation).

Yoga and Nature Walks @ Point Defiance Park Rhododendron Garden
Apr 3 @ 10:00 am – 11:15 am

(Age 13+) Slow down and enjoy the healing benefits of time spent in nature with a mindful yoga practice. Meet at the picnic shelter at the Rhododendron Garden and enjoy a walk along the gravel trail of the Garden Loop. We will stop along the way to practice breathing techniques, mindful movement, and gentle stretches while observing and listening to the forest around us. This class is great for yoga beginners or anyone that enjoys being outdoors. No yoga mats needed but comfortable attire and shoes recommended. In partnership with Yoga Wild and class will be led by a Yoga Wild Instructor.

Don’t Judge Just Serve: 3rd Annual Virtual Fundraiser @ Virtual Fundraiser
Apr 21 @ 11:30 am
Don't Judge Just Serve: 3rd Annual Virtual Fundraiser @ Virtual Fundraiser

Tacoma Community House is a nationally-respected, community-based service center for immigrants, refugees, and long-time South Sound residents seeking enrichment and pathways to self-sufficiency. For 110 years, we have helped countless individuals gain the skills they need to transition out of poverty, navigate a new culture, and find personal and professional success.

Many people come to us seeking one type of service and end up utilizing others, making us one of Tacoma’s most unique “one stop shops.” Annually, we provide 3,500 program services to 3,200 individuals from over 115 countries through our four core programs: ImmigrationEducationEmployment and Advocacy (for crime victims).


Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/4748165281979466

Fundraiser Page: https://www.tacomacommunityhouse.org/virtualcampaign2022/

Donate Page: https://www.tacomacommunityhouse.org/donate/

Electronic Program: https://flipbookpdf.net/web/site/e28c75a8fb3a62e7a44a5cdd71ce0b9f7c923f4a202204.pdf.html


Pioneer Craft & Music Fest @ Job Carr Cabin Museum
May 14 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Pioneer Craft & Music Fest
Saturday, May 14
10am – 2pm
Tacoma’s Old Town Park, 2350 N 30th St

Experience a variety of heritage crafts, arts activities, demonstrations, and live folk music. This free community event during Tacoma’s Heritage Preservation Month features family fun for all ages. https://www.jobcarrmuseum.org/cabin-events