Pierce County Events Calendar

Pierce County Events Calendar

This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.

Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:

  • Name of Event
  • Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
  • Organizer(s) name
  • Cost
  • URL to purchase tickets
  • Website URL
  • SHORT description of the event
  • Photo

Our editors will review and post within a few business days.

“Blue Wednesday” Thanksgiving FAN RALLY and Concert @ McMenamin's Spanish Ballroom (Elk's Temple)
Nov 22 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm

BLUE WEDNESDAY! Nov 22nd is the night before the Hawks BIG Thanksgiving game vs the 49ers!! 8-11pm (7pm Doors)

Join us for a Holiday FAN RALLY, with a high-energy night of classic rock and country music, with Switchback NW, and special guest Emily Randolph and the Sunnyside.
Raffle prize giveaways throughout, Food Drive for the Tacoma Food Bank, merch and more! Former Hawks Kicker Norm Johnson, Seattle radio’s Matt Case (MC), Super Fan “Seahawks Rooster”, UW Radio Voice, Mike Brown join the evening!

Mary Bridge Children’s Festival of Trees Public Days @ University of Puget Sound, Tennis Pavilion
Nov 25 @ 9:00 am – Nov 26 @ 4:00 pm

Getting back to gathering with friends and family is a great way to kick off the holiday season! Join us as we open our doors and share the joy and community that is Mary Bridge Children’s Festival of Trees.

Benefits: Expanding access to care for children and families throughout Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital and Health Network.


Public Days

An event for all ages!

Hey Singers! 
Nov 28 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

University of Puget Sound Organ at Noon Series @ Kilworth Memorial Chapel
Dec 1 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Join us for the Organ at Noon Series, with Wyatt Smith, organist, presenting An American Christmas – Music by Rebecca Groom te Velde, Margaret Sandresky, Craig Phillips, and others.

Free and open to the public.

American concert organist Wyatt Smith, a native of Rapid City, South Dakota, performs with “nuance, polish, and personality” (Michael Barone, APM Pipedreams). He maintains an active concert schedule, performing throughout the United States and Europe, and his performances have been heard on American Public Media’s Pipedreams.

Smith received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance from the University of Washington; his Master of Music degree from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, and Bachelor of Music degree from the University of South Dakota.

Smith serves as the associate director of music at Epiphany Parish of Seattle; director of the Epiphany Music Academy; and affiliate artist in organ and harpsichord at the University of Puget Sound.

Organ at Noon Series 2023-24 Schedule

Friday, Oct. 20 | The Skies, Unlimited
Music by Hina Sakamoto, Aaron David Miller, and a song cycle by Frederick Frahm, featuring Dawn Padula, mezzo-soprano
Friday, Dec. 1 | An American Christmas
Music by Rebecca Groom te Velde, Margaret Sandresky, Craig Phillips, and others
Sunday, Jan. 28 | 2 p.m. | 33rd Annual Schneebeck Organ Recital
Music by Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra and Matthias Weckmann. Public reception following the program.
Friday, March 22 | Annual All-Bach Recital
A program of trios, featuring Maria Sampen, violin and Alistair MacRae, cello
Friday, April 12 | The Fiery French
Music by Saint-Saëns, Franck, Boëllmann, and Alain, featuring Tracy Doyle, flute
Event Location
Kilworth Memorial Chapel or tune in at pugetsound.edu/schneebecklive.

God is a Scottish Drag Queen 3 @ Washington Center for the Performing Arts
Dec 1 @ 7:30 pm
God is a Scottish Drag Queen 3 @ Washington Center for the Performing Arts

God, dressed in a floral power suit, comes down to set the record straight and expound on everything from Adam & Eve to Zeus, and answer humankind’s most asked questions in a hilarious and unforgettable sequel! Loved by Preachers and Atheists alike, this franchise has quickly become one of the most popular one man shows touring today and has received critical acclaim for its non-stop brilliant look at pop culture and humanity through the eyes of a silly, foul mouthed, and very loveable Scottish Deity. You don’t need to have seen the first two shows to enjoy this stand-alone sequel!

Christmas Regale @ Fort Nisqually Living History Museum
Dec 2 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Christmas Regale @ Fort Nisqually Living History Museum

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of modern holidays and experience a real old-fashioned Christmas at Fort Nisqually Living History Museum.

Everyone can join in greeting the arrival of the yule log with toasts and Christmas Carols. Guests will have a chance to take home a piece of the log for their own holiday fire.

Throughout the day, guests of all ages can join in parlor games, make ornaments, and create pomanders. Father Christmas will be visiting the Fort and available for photos.


  • Adults (18+) $18 + fees
  • Youth (4 – 17) $13 + fees
  • Family (2 Adults + up-to 5 Youth) $50
  • Under 3 free

Additional Information:

ADA Accessibility: Wheelchair ramps are located on the back of most buildings. Please note this is an outdoor venue. Gravel paths and grass fields may be slightly uneven.

Unknown @ Lakewold Gardens
Dec 3 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Originally written for three singers and chamber ensemble to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in 2021, Shawn Okpebholo’s song cycle Unknown explores ideas of war, honor, and memory through the eyes of soldiers, family members, and Tomb Guards who are connected to each other and the Tomb through their mutual service and sacrifice. This performance is a special arrangement for voice and piano adapted by the composer for the intimate setting at Lakewold Gardens. The program is completed by works related to the WWI period: Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale, and a special appearance by pianist David Korevaar performing Ravel’s stunning Le Trombeau de Couperin and works by L. Perrachio.

Performers: Myah Rose Paden, mezzo-soprano; Tim Christie, violin; Dallas Neustel, clarinet; Ricardo de la Torre, piano; David Korevaar, piano

Hey Singers! 
Dec 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

History After Hours: End of the Line @ Washington State History Museum
Dec 7 @ 7:00 pm

Travel back in time to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Northern Pacific Railroad in Tacoma. Embark with WSHS to explore why the City of Destiny was named as the terminus for the Northern Pacific Railroad and consider the legacy of this decision. Dress to impress in your favorite period attire.

This evening of food, fun, and history is a 21+ event; IDs are required. Guests will receive two drink tickets.

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer @ Tacoma Little Theatre
Dec 8 @ 7:30 pm

A holiday classic comes to the stage for the first time ever!

The holiday classic soars off the screen in this musical adaptation of the beloved television special. Filled with holiday hits like “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “A Holly Jolly Christmas,” Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer™ features all of your favorite characters including Santa and Mrs. Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Clarice, Yukon Cornelius and, of course, Rudolph. It’s an adventure that teaches us that what makes you different can be what makes you special.

Recommended for All Ages