Pierce County Events Calendar

Pierce County Events Calendar

This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.

Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:

  • Name of Event
  • Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
  • Organizer(s) name
  • Cost
  • URL to purchase tickets
  • Website URL
  • SHORT description of the event
  • Photo

Our editors will review and post within a few business days.

‘Here With Me’ Album Debut Concert + Dinner @ Mark The Pond Guy
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Mark the Pond Guy Presents-

A Live Concert with Cynthia Harp!

“Here With Me” Album Debut – The Songs and the Stories

Featuring Sky Star Records artist Cynthia Harp and videographer Tori Harp

July 8, 2023

7:00 PM till 9:00 PM

Join us for an unforgettable outdoor concert experience at the home of Mark & Cynthia Harp on South Hill Puyallup. Stunning water gardens created by award-winning water-feature artists Dan & Mark Harp coupled with nature’s beauty, don’t be surprised if a sense of calm and relaxation helps you feel peaceful and happy.

To add to the already spectacular surroundings Cynthia Harp will dazzle you with her unique style of music, the melodies and harmonies, and her ability to evoke emotions & musical storytelling. Some have said it’s like listening to the story of her soul. She will also be performing simultaneously on the piano & harp, a must-see!

Gathering under the big night sky to celebrate life, to celebrate you, to nurture the human spirit, and to bring some enjoyment and lightness to your heart.

You will also get to listen to at least one song from the soon to be released next album. Get ready to be swept away, we can’t wait to see you here!

Limited seating, book your tickets now, and join us for an enchanting evening by the pond.

Tickets for $125 each include:

Live Experience
Plated Full Course Meal with your choice of salmon, brisket, or chicken, and dessert.
Mocktail Bar
Self-Guided Pond Tour
Autographed CD
Dress casually and warm enough for our Pacific Northwest evening weather in July.

Thank you to our Sponsors for providing the meal:

Mission Outdoors & Rolling Smoke BBQ & Co.

Hey Singers! 
Jul 11 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Hey Singers! 
Jul 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Relay for Life of South King County @ Game Farm Park
Jul 22 @ 1:00 pm

One person can make a difference. In May 1985, Dr. Gordon “Gordy” Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, raising money to help the American Cancer Society with the nation’s biggest health concern: cancer.

Gordy spent a grueling 24 hours circling the track at the University of Puget Sound. Friends, family, and patients watched and supported him as he walked and ran more than 83.6 miles and raised $27,000 through pledges to help save lives from cancer. As he circled the track, he thought of how he could get others to take part. He envisioned having teams participate in a 24-hour fundraising event. The next year, 19 teams were part of the first Relay For Life event at the historical Stadium Bowl and raised $33,000.

After previously battling stomach cancer, Gordy passed away from heart failure on August 3, 2014 at the age of 71. But his legacy lives on. He shaped an idea that started as one man walking and running a track and helped turn it into a global fundraising phenomenon.

Hey Singers! 
Jul 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Craftopia: Volunteer Packing Party @ Craftopia
Jul 26 @ 5:00 pm

Join us once a month to help prepare and pack up craft kits.  These kits are donated free of charge to the Tacoma Public Library and Pierce County Library systems.  The libraries then distribute them to the community so people of all ages can learn new projects and explore their creative side.
Packing parties include prepping of supplies and stuffing ziplock bags with materials.  We stuff between 100-300 bags each time, so lots of repetitive motion.  Beverages and snacks are provided, but feel free to bring your own as well.
RSVP’s appreciated but not required. www.craftopiawa.com

Hey Singers! 
Aug 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Hey Singers! 
Aug 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Hey Singers! 

Hey, Singers, be our guest to explore Tacoma’s largest a capella chorus in the barbershop style at 7 pm, every Tuesday. Join us at 602 N. Orchard. tacomavocalstandard@gmail.com or Facebook: TacomaVocalStandard

Pierce County Fair @ Frontier Park
Aug 10 @ 10:00 am – 9:30 pm

Come Experience the Magic at the 2023 Pierce County Fair in Graham! Food, Fun, and Entertainment for all ages. Gotta Go To Graham!

Pierce County Fair @ Frontier Park
Aug 11 @ 10:00 am – 9:30 pm

Come Experience the Magic at the 2023 Pierce County Fair in Graham! Food, Fun, and Entertainment for all ages. Gotta Go To Graham!