Pierce County Events Calendar

Pierce County Events Calendar

This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.

Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:

  • Name of Event
  • Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
  • Organizer(s) name
  • Cost
  • URL to purchase tickets
  • Website URL
  • SHORT description of the event
  • Photo

Our editors will review and post within a few business days.

Eternal Light: A Composition for Tacoma @ Symphony Tacoma Youtube Page
Feb 6 @ 7:30 pm

Eternal Light is a “musical collage” of original works by local students inspired by Lux Aeterna, a movement in Mozart’s Requiem that expresses words of comfort and hope. It will premiere on Symphony Tacoma’s YouTube channel at 7:30 pm on Saturday, February 6, 2021. Preceding the premiere will be a Facebook Live conversation with the creative team facilitated by Symphony Tacoma Music Director Sarah Ioannides at 6:30 pm.

Over the summer, thirteen local students ranging in age from 10 to 17 accepted Symphony Tacoma’s invitation to create original music, lyrics, drawings and poetry that reflected their interpretation of “eternal light.” Maestra Sarah Ioannides, the project’s producer, has taken these submissions and weaved them into a new audio and visual composition to be performed and recorded by the youth who submitted as well as participants from Tacoma Youth Chorus, University Place Presbyterian Church’s Alleluia Singers (children’s choir) and Symphony Tacoma musicians.

“We hope this special project will bring joy to the hearts of many during these difficult times,” says Ioannides.

Part 1: The Collage
Part 2: Undaunted by Kevin Kernie

Contributing artists/composers:
Elllie Arial (12)
Natalie Blake (13)
Hannah Green (12)
Zoe Green (14)
Audrey Hartman (12)
Elsa Hartman (10)
Karl Hartman (10)
Kevin Kernie (17)
Holly Pierce (15)
Hudson Pierce (10)
Jacob Sharon (12)
Keianna South (14)
Gloria Sung (13)

Producer: Sarah Ioannides
Music Producers: Kim Scharnberg and Will Scharnberg
Video Producer: Fernanda Lamuño Cavanas

Selections from Romeo and Juliet @ Symphony Tacoma Youtube Page
Feb 13 @ 7:30 pm

Relive the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet with excerpts from Prokofiev’s score alongside all new visuals, curated by Maestra Sarah, Gabe McPherson and Timothy Little.
Viewable on the Symphony Tacoma Youtube page.

Sarah Ioannides, conductor
Libby Patsiga, Romeo
Annabelle Daniel, Juliet
Westly Hackler, Mercutio
Alexandra Vilenius, Tybalt
Gabriel McPherson, Speaker

Whimsical Face – Kids Class @ Artful Dreamers
Feb 15 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Join Nadine Hamil for a LIVE ZOOM Class –
MUST REGISTER AT: https://www.artfuldreamers.com/events/whimsical-face-kids-class

Let’s have fun painting a funny face.

We will gather and introduce ourselves.

I will give some instructions.

Kids will have lots of creative freedom.

Fun will be had!


* any size canvas

* suggested acrylic paints: white, black, red, blue, yellow, white, black, orange,magenta or colors you wish

(use what you have on hand)

* glitter glue or glitter paint (optional)

* a few brushes small and medium, whatever you have on hand

* 5 – 10 mark making tools, q-tips, toilet paper rolls, old gift card/credit card, beverage container lids, bubble wrap. *

* a container with water a palette for the paint

* a rag

* paper towel

ZOOM address will be sent before the class please save.

$15 * LIVE CLASS * No refunds * LIVE CLASS! *

contact info: nadine@artfuldreamers.com 253-209-4706

Fort from Home for Kids: Crochet @ Online Virtual
Feb 20 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Fort from Home for Kids is a, kid-friendly program led by Fort Nisqually high school Apprentice Interpreters. Learn heritage skills at home! This month, Fort Nisqually Apprentice Interpreter Abigail teaches you the basics of crochet. Please have ready simple knitting supplies, including a crochet hook and yarn.

From Migration to Mark Making: George Bush, Jacob Lawrence, and the impact of the Black Pioneers In Washington State @ Washington State History Museum Facebook Live Stream
Feb 25 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

FREE online event, find it here at the start time: https://www.facebook.com/historymuseum/live
Celebrated artist Jacob Lawrence, one of the first nationally recognized Black artists, taught at University of Washington and lived much of his life in Seattle. His works are held in prestigious museums across the U.S. and internationally. George Bush was the first Black pioneer to settle in what is now Washington, and his migration is the subject of a series of paintings by Lawrence. Tune in for lively conversations about the contributions and experiences of these pioneering men. Hear from Leslie King-Hammond, a Jacob Lawrence scholar and founding director of the Center for Race and Culture at the Maryland Institute College of Art; Jason Turner, museum educator and tour guide at the Northwest African American Museum; Gwen Whiting, lead exhibitions curator at WSHS; and Beth Turner, author of Jacob Lawrence: The American Struggle. Presented in partnership with the Northwest African American Museum. Note: You do not need a Facebook account to see this event. Details: www.WashingtonHistory.org/events

Destiny City Film Festival @ Virtual with limited in-person screenings!
Feb 26 all-day

Destiny City Film Festival (DCFF) will present its eighth edition from Feb. 26 to March 7, 2021 in a hybrid format featuring virtual screenings and limited in-person events.

In addition to 10 days of film screenings, the Festival, funded by Tacoma Creates, will feature informative and entertaining panels and workshops curated by the DCFF Advisory Board.

Founded in 2014, the Destiny City Film Festival is a homegrown, true-Tacoma community event, inspired by our city’s nickname – The City of Destiny – and built to showcase and celebrate cinematic storytelling from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. DCFF’s mission is to use the power of vibrant cinematic storytelling to curate an engaged community audience for independent film. Visit DestinyCityFilmFestival.com and DCFF’s social media pages to stay up-to-date on the Festival’s virtual and limited in-person structure. Details will be shared as they become available, based on public health guidelines and Advisory Board recommendations.

Destiny City Film Festival @ Virtual with limited in-person screenings!
Feb 27 all-day

Destiny City Film Festival (DCFF) will present its eighth edition from Feb. 26 to March 7, 2021 in a hybrid format featuring virtual screenings and limited in-person events.

In addition to 10 days of film screenings, the Festival, funded by Tacoma Creates, will feature informative and entertaining panels and workshops curated by the DCFF Advisory Board.

Founded in 2014, the Destiny City Film Festival is a homegrown, true-Tacoma community event, inspired by our city’s nickname – The City of Destiny – and built to showcase and celebrate cinematic storytelling from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. DCFF’s mission is to use the power of vibrant cinematic storytelling to curate an engaged community audience for independent film. Visit DestinyCityFilmFestival.com and DCFF’s social media pages to stay up-to-date on the Festival’s virtual and limited in-person structure. Details will be shared as they become available, based on public health guidelines and Advisory Board recommendations.

That’s a “Wrap” @ Symphony Tacoma Youtube Page
Feb 27 @ 7:30 pm

Join the Symphony Tacoma Horn Quartet for a showcase of the many moods of the French horn, from majestic to melancholy.
Viewable on the Symphony Tacoma Youtube page.

Selections include:

Carl Maria von Weber, Der Freischütz Fantasie-Quartet
Constantin Homilius, Horn Quartet in B-flat major, op. 38
Nikolai Tcherepnine, Six Pieces for Horn Quartet
Gina Gillie, Horn Quartet No. 1
Kerry Turner, Fanfare for Barcs

Daniel Partridge, principal horn
Sandon Lohr, assistant principal horn
David McBride, third horn
Larry Vevig, fourth horn

Destiny City Film Festival @ Virtual with limited in-person screenings!
Feb 28 all-day

Destiny City Film Festival (DCFF) will present its eighth edition from Feb. 26 to March 7, 2021 in a hybrid format featuring virtual screenings and limited in-person events.

In addition to 10 days of film screenings, the Festival, funded by Tacoma Creates, will feature informative and entertaining panels and workshops curated by the DCFF Advisory Board.

Founded in 2014, the Destiny City Film Festival is a homegrown, true-Tacoma community event, inspired by our city’s nickname – The City of Destiny – and built to showcase and celebrate cinematic storytelling from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. DCFF’s mission is to use the power of vibrant cinematic storytelling to curate an engaged community audience for independent film. Visit DestinyCityFilmFestival.com and DCFF’s social media pages to stay up-to-date on the Festival’s virtual and limited in-person structure. Details will be shared as they become available, based on public health guidelines and Advisory Board recommendations.

Destiny City Film Festival @ Virtual with limited in-person screenings!
Mar 1 all-day

Destiny City Film Festival (DCFF) will present its eighth edition from Feb. 26 to March 7, 2021 in a hybrid format featuring virtual screenings and limited in-person events.

In addition to 10 days of film screenings, the Festival, funded by Tacoma Creates, will feature informative and entertaining panels and workshops curated by the DCFF Advisory Board.

Founded in 2014, the Destiny City Film Festival is a homegrown, true-Tacoma community event, inspired by our city’s nickname – The City of Destiny – and built to showcase and celebrate cinematic storytelling from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. DCFF’s mission is to use the power of vibrant cinematic storytelling to curate an engaged community audience for independent film. Visit DestinyCityFilmFestival.com and DCFF’s social media pages to stay up-to-date on the Festival’s virtual and limited in-person structure. Details will be shared as they become available, based on public health guidelines and Advisory Board recommendations.