Pierce County Events Calendar
This calendar is the place to find fun events happening throughout Pierce County, including Tacoma, Puyallup, Lakewood and beyond.
Have an event that isn’t listed? Please email events@SouthSoundTalk.com with the following information:
- Name of Event
- Date, time and location (name of business if applicable and complete address)
- Organizer(s) name
- Cost
- URL to purchase tickets
- Website URL
- SHORT description of the event
- Photo
Our editors will review and post within a few business days.
# farmersmarket #12K #2021Casino4aCause #6thavetacoma #Advocate #art #artontheave #ArtsNightOut #ASAPCGala2021 #Bike #BlackJacketSymphony #blacksmith #Blonde #BreakTheSilence #BruceCockburn #BSAAT #BusinessImpactNW #buylocal; #CelebratingDreams #childrensevents #communityconversation #daffodilramblers #Darlingside #DEFY #deliaephron #downtowntacoma #earlychildhoodeducation #earlyintervention #ESIT #expirementalelectronic #fairtrade #family #familyevent #filmscreening #food #fortnisqually #freefilmscreening #gamenight #gigharbor #gigharborseniorcenter #gram #gramnash #Halloween #hardcider #harlemrenaissance #hawaiianmusic #HilltopArtists #historicdistrict #holidayparty #IleneBeckerman #isabel wilkerson #Juneteenth #Lakewold #lakewoodplayhouse #LedZeppelin #LedZeppelinIV #lgbtqia #light #LiveAuction #livemusic #livinghistory #localhistory #localvendors #Lovett #martialarts #metroparks #Multicare #nash #NativeAmerican #noisemusic #noiserodeo #noraephron #Northern Pacific Railroad #NorthTacoma #nwsinfonietta #olmsted #Olympia #online #OurSistersHouse #PacificNorthwesIndian #pantagestheater #PierceCounty #pointdefiance #pointruston #Prevention #pubquiz #PudgetSoundEnergy #PugetSound #PuyllupWA #RebuildingHope! #RebuildingTogether #Recipe #rialtotheater #S&G #seattlemenschorus #sextraffickingprevention #SexualAssaultAwareness #shopping #shopsmallbusiness #SilverCloud #simonandgarfunkel #SingleJingle #singles #SinglesEvent #SMC #spanishballroom #sunsetautofamily #tacoma #Tacoma Historical Society #tacomaaikikai #tacomaartslive #tacomaevent #tacomamusicalplayhouse #tacomaporchfest #Tacomapublicschools #tacomartslive #tacomatreelighting #TacomaUrbanLeague #tacomawa #theateronthesquare #thecurrent #thekinseycollection #TreatyWar #treelighting #TrickorTreat #TUPAC #UnitedWayofPierceCounty #universityofpugetsound #valentinesday #victorian #washingtontraffickingprevention #WeAreRebuilders #williamduvall #WineTasting #WomeninBusiness #WomanOwned #WomenEntrepreneurs #SmallBusinessBigImpact #wrestling #WTP #YogaWild 10 12 Days of Goodness 12th man 1960s 1968 1K Kids 21+ 253 5k 5K run 60's 60s hits 6th Ave 7 seas brewing 70's 70s hits 80's 80's band 80s hits 80s music 80s R&B 90s hits 90s music a cappella A Christmas Carol ABBA acm acoustic acoustic punk folk acrobats Acting activism activist Actor adaptive aids adelphian concert choir adelphians Adoption Adult adult events adults adventure advocacy Aerospace affordable affordable home gardening affordable housing African Theme afro-cuban AI Ailey Ailey II air show Alice in Wonderland alistair macrae all ages allergies allhallows all_ages Alma Mater Alma Venue Alpacas alt alt-americana alt-country alternative folk Alteryx Alzheimer's america's car museum america's got talent america's got talent auditions American Cancer Society american idol americana Americana music Ancestry and looms filling your space? Then this is the place for you! Join us once a month for a fiber-lover meet-up. The first Friday of every month from 5-7pm anderson Anderson Island Angst animal art animal lovers animal rescue animals Anna Wittstruck Anniversary anniversary celebration Anoushka Shankar antivalentinesday apartment garden apcc96 apple squeeze arcade Aretha aretha franklin Ars and crafts art Art and crafts Art Battle art class art classes art event art project art reception Art shows art studio art talk art walk art workshops arthistory Artisan Artisan Gift Fair artisans artist artist reception Artists arts Arts ad crafts Arts anc crafts Arts and cra Arts and craft Arts and craftgs arts and crafts arts education artwalk artwork ashford asia pacific cultural center AsianHeritage assisted living assistive technology atari athletes Attitude Auburn auburn automobiles auction audition auditions Author author events autism autism-friendy auto auto show automotive AUTUMN Award awards awareness B53 Baby Shark bach Backpacking bacon Bailadores de Bronce bake sale balance Ballet balloons band Bands Barbershop Chours Barbershop Quartet Barbershop Quartets Barbershop Show Barracuda Barrel Mountain Brewing bars baseball basketball bates technical college Battery testing bazaar bbq bead crafts beastie boys tribute band beer beer garden Beer gardens beer pairing beer release beer tasting beginning gardener Belgian beer Bellevue Business Networking Bellevue Networking Bellydance benefit benefit concert bicycling bicyling Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Big Band Music bikeswap bingo bipoc bird walks birds bizarre black and latin communities Black and Latinx Communities Black Fleet Brewing black history blackberry blacksmithing blind blindness Blond blood drive blown glass bluegrass bluegrass rock blues boating boats boatshow bob Bob's Comedy Jive bob's java jive body image body pain body shaming Boeing Classic Bonney Lake book Book Club book launch Book Release Book Signing Book Talk book tour booklaunch bookrelease books booth Bootleg border songs boris berman bourbon boutique bowling bowls Boxing branding brass Breakfast Breast Cancer Awareness Breast Health brew Brew Five Three brewery breweryblocks bridal event Broadway Broadway Center Broadway Center for the Performing Arts brown ale brown bag lunch brunch brunch buffet Bryan Johnston Bryan Willis Buddha Buddhism Buddy Holly budgeting Bunko bunny Burlesque bus tour busineiss business Business Development business education business networking business professionals businesswomen buxtehude buyandsell Cabaret camp camping Camps cancer awareness candle making candy Cannabis Canvas Captain Christoper Vanghele Newtown Police Department car event car show Carbs career career change career exploration career fair career transition class careers caregiver Caregiving Carlene Carter CarlyCalabrese carol milgard breast center carols cars Cartoon cary elwes Cascade Regional Blood Services Casino cat Catholic cats celebrate celebration celebrity cello Celtic Chamber music chamber orchestra chamber-pop Chambers Creek chambersbay Champagne championofsocialjustice Charcterwork charity Charity and Causes chat cheney stadium chess Chicago Child class children children's museum of tacoma Children's Therapy Center childrens events childrens theater ChildrensTheater; Family; chocolate chocolate beer choir choir festival Choir of Man choirs choral choral music chorale chorus chris chris anderson Christian ChristineRose christmas christmas bazaar christmas concert Christmas Event Christmas market christmas music christmas revels christmas tree lighting Chronic Pain church cider ciderswig cinco de mayo Cinema Circle Up Events circle up productions circleupfun circus Cirq cirque Cirque Eloize Saloon Cirque Mechanics Zephyr citizenship City of Lakewood city of tacoma civic civil rights clarinet clarinet ensemble class classes classic car classic cars Classical classical music clean comedian clean energy clean water Climate climate change climbing clothing club Clubs cmbc co-ops coaching cocktails Coding coffee coffee conversation collage Colleen Frakes college performance college prep collegeperformance collins memorial library color Color Me color run coloring comedian comedy comedy benefit comedy club Comedy Night Comedy Show comedyclub comic comic books comicon comics communication community community building community college community event community meeting Competition Composer Computer Recycling concert concert band concert series concerts conducting Conference confidence conservation consignment constipation construction consulting contest continuting education convention conversation convocation Cooking cooking class cooking demos coolio cooperative cornhole Coronary Disease cosmetic cosplay costume costume ball costume contest costume party costumes coughes country country music Country Music Hall of Fame country rock countryfied rock & roll couple Couples Courthouse cover band cowboy cowboyart craft craft beer craft fair craftbeer crafts create creating Creative Creative Colloquy Creative Writing creatives creativity credit union Creedence Clearwater Crime Criminal Justice crochet crowdfunding Cruise show cruises crunge ctckids ctckidsmoveathon cuisine Culture cupcakes for a cause custody daddy daught daddy daughter daffodil parade Dan Rather dance dance hits Dance Music dance party dancers dancing dancinggoats daniellekartes data analytics data visualization date date night Datenight dating Dave Dave Mason David Bowie David Sedaris dawn padula Day camp Day of Service day of the dead daymaker daymakerfilm dealership Deep in the Woods Defending the Caveman dementia Dental dental health month dentists deplorables derby design Dessert Destiny City Destiny City Comics Destiny City Film Festival dia de los muertos Diabetes diabetic retinopathy dinner dinosaurs dirty jokes disabilities disco disco dress-up discount Discouss discussion disney Disney Princesses displays distillery diversity Divorce diy dj DJ Switch DNA documentary documentary film dog dog walk Dogfish Head dogs Domestic Violence donate donation doodling dorado dorian singers downtown downtown on the go downtown tacoma Doyle's doyle's public house dracula draft horse Drag Drag Queen Drag Show dragon boat drake Drama drawings drink drink specials drinking Drinking For Conservation drinks drive-in movie Drunken Telegraph Duchess of Downtown Duke Ellington dupont events Dustbowl Revival Early Detection Earth Day east tacoma easter easter bunny photos easter egg hunt easy meals eating disorders Eclipse ecofriendly ecology economicstability ed hume eduation education educational Educational Tour EFN EFT Egg Hunt eggbot El Sanchez ELA Elder Elder Abuse electro pop Electronic Recycling event eliminating anxiety Elysian embroidery Emergency Food Network Emergency services emily dickinson Emmy emotional wellbeing employment empower Empowering women energy energy healing Energy Savings Engines ensemble ensemble mik nawooj entertaimnent entertainment Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs Enviroment environment environmental education environmental equity Equity esports Eugenie Jones Euphonium event Events Events in Tacoma eventsintacoma executiveCoach exercise exhibit exhibition exhibition opening exhibits experimental explore the shore expo Extortion extreme sports face painting facebook live Faculty Recital Faculty/Student Showcase fair fairy Faith fall families family family activities family activity family caregiver family entertainment family event family events family friendly Family Friendly Entertainment family friendly event family fun family history family law family portrait familyreunification Famous families Fantasia fantasy lights farm farm to table farmers market farmers markets fashion fashion design fashion show father daughter father's day Fats FBI Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center fee concert feminism Fermenting fern hill library festival festival of sail festivalw festivities Fiber Arts Fibromyalgia Fiction Fife fill the boot film film festival film screening finance financial education financial planning fine art fire department fireworks first class comedy first night first time homebuyer fitness flamenco flea market floating flute Flute Day folk folk and roll folk arts folk crafts folk music folk punk folk stomp folk-n-roll food food & beverage food & drink food & drinks food bank food drives Food Foodtruck food truck food trucks Food Vendors foodies Foodtrucks fools improv ForeverGreen Trails Fort George Brewery Fort Nisqually Fort Steiacoom Forterra Forza Foss Waterway Seaport foster franchise Fraud Prevention fre freaknight fred oldfield free free concert Free cover free dental care Free event free eventt free food free groceries free movie free show free shredding free workshop Freedom Riders freighthouse square French Wines friends friendship frozen fun fun run Fundraiser Fundraising funk funk music funk rock funny future g donnalson's gala galentines gallery gallery opening gamble game Gamerati games Gaming garage sale garden Garden art gardening GASS Gayla GED geek Gelato genderallianceofthesouthsound genealogical society Genealogy Genetics genre-bending George Brant George Weyerhaeuser gerard morris German German market germany Gift Fair gift ideas gifts gig harbor gig harbor cider swig gig harbor history museum gig harbor paddlers cup Girl Scout Cookies girls girls night out girls rock giveaways Glass glass pumpkins glaucoma global health Global Village gluten free god God is a Scottish Drag Queen golf Good Friday Services good health Good Humor Men gospel gourmet gourmet foods government graham nash Grains Grammy grand opening grass grays harbor county fair Greatest Guitar Licks of All Time green griot's garage Grit City Think & Drink gritcity gritcityplayers gritty blues groceries grunge Guatemala guitar Guns gymnatstics Habitat Habitat for Humanity habitat restoration Haida hair rock Halloween halloween party Hamilton handbell Handbell concert Handbells handcrafted handmade hands on children's museum hands-on happy hour harbor history museum hard cider hard rock Harp Harry Potter HARVEST haunted haunted house Hawaii hawaiian event Hawktail hay rides headaches Health healthcare healthy Heart Heart Disease heavy metal Hellbent Brewing Co Helping Hand House herb high blood pressure high blood sugars high school choir hikes hiking hiking trails hilltop HilltopHeritageMS hip hop Hip-Hop Nutcracker hip-hop orchestra hiring historic homes historic preservation historical crafts History history happy hour history tour history walk history walks holiday holiday concert Holiday crafts holiday decor holiday event holiday events Holiday Lakewood holiday party Holiday Performances Holiday Show Holiday Tacoma holidays holistic Holliday crafts Holliday ornaments holly Hollywood home home buyer class home decor home garden home gardening Home Improvement home school home tour homelessness Homeschoolers honky tonk hookah hoop dance hope horns horse horses Hot Club of Cowtown hotel murano housing human trafficking prevention humane society humanities in the harbor humor hunger Hunger Games hunger relief hunger walk Hypertension i love the 90s i-502 ian hooper ian hooper & the might oaks ice ice cream Identity Theft illlustration illustrations immigration impersonation impressionist improv improv jazz Inclusion incontinence incontinenece indan food independence day independent living India India.Arie Indian Tribes indie indie film indie music indie rock indigestion indoor fun Inflatables Infrastructure Ins Choi insomnia inspirational speaker instruction International international coffee day international women's day intro Invasive invasive plants investing IPA Ireland Irish italian food iwd ixcanul jacobsen series Jake Shimabukuro Jamali Maddix james baldwin Jane Lynch Janis Joplin japanese japanese festival jazz jazz orchestra jazz rock jazzbones JBLM Jersey Boys jesus jewelry Jewelry making jim lynch jingle bells Job job carr c abin job carr cabin job change job fair Job Hunting job search jobs Joe Ely John Hiatt John Pizzarelli Johnny Depp Johnny Mathis Josh Potter journaliing juggle july 4 july 4th juniorleagueoftacoma k-12 education kandle park kandle pool Karaoke Kareem Kandi kayak Kent KID kid friend kid friendly Kidnappings Kidney Disease Kids kids activities kids camp kids crafts kids' art killer whale kilworth memorial chapel Kim’s Convenience King County Kinky Boots kites kittens Knights of Pythias knitting knitting and crochet kobetich library korea korean kryboys Kulshan Brewing Co Kurtis Blow la bohème ladiesnight lakewold gardens lakewood Lakewood Playhouse land development land trust Language access Lantern laser tag late night Latin music Latinx laugh laugh and relax. Light refreshments are available Laughing Mater laughs laughter Laughway House Productions Law Enforcement layoff LBGTQ+ leadership lean body lifestyles learning lecture Legacy Washington Legally Blonde lego legos Lemay lemay america's car museum lemay marymount collection Les Ballet Trockadero de Monte Carlo lessons LGBPTQIA2S+ lgbt lgbtq library Lifestyle light dental studios lightrail LinkedIn liquor Lisa Miller lit end literacy literary literary arts literary event literary events literary society literature live live concert live downtown live music live stream Live theater livestream livetheater LMAO Comedy show local Local Art local artists local arts Local History localtalent Lodge Meeting Long Term Care love low brass low vision low-cost garden Lucia lunar new year Lunch luncheon lung cancer Lupus Lyle Lovett Macrame macular degeneration magic Magic Man magician Major Taylor Project Make Believe MakeMusicDay makeup making strides Mamma Mia! manufactured model homes Manufacturing marathon march for science Mariachi marijuana Marissa Meyer maritime Maritime Museum Mark O'Connor market marketing martha graham martin luther king day Mary Bridge Mary Mart Mary Poppins Mashel River Mason Mass Violence Response Master class Masterclass math and science maya angelou mckinley hill Media frenzy medicare Meditation Meet the author meet up meet_greet members memorial day memory care Memory Loss Memphis Belles mendelssohn menopause Menopause the Musical Mental health Mental Health Professionals Messo-soprano metal metal art metro parks Metro Parks Tacoma mexican food México Diverso Middle Eastern military militaryhistory millionairerealestatemom mind-body; Mindfulness mini maestros Missing persons mississippi mixed media MLK mlk day MLS match watch mls model trains money monster monster jam Monty Python moore library mother earth farm Mother's Day motivational motivational speaker motorcycles Mount Rainier move movement movie Movie Screening movies Mt. Rainier MTV mud run multimedia multiples murder mystery muscle cars museum museum events museum of glass museums Music music activities music class music concert music concerts music day music festival music lesson music showcase Musical Musical Theater Musical Theatre musical tradition musicals musicians mustang musuems Myth of Absence Naked Magicians Narrows Brewing Co National Poetry Month Native American native history nature nausea needle crafts needles Neil Young neo-soul neon nerd nerds netflix networking new country new garden New Orleans new world new year new year celebration new year's eve new year's eve party nighlife night life Night Out Nightlife Nilo Cruz nintendo nisqually nisqually land trust Nisqually River nisqually watershed non-profit Non-profit concert Non-profit fund raiser non-profit fundraiser nonprofit North End North Jetty Brewing Co North Tacoma northeast tacoma Northwest Northwest High School Honor choir Festival Northwest Playwrights Alliance northwest sinfonetta northwest trek NPR NSFW nutcracker Nutrition NW Wind & Solar NYE ober 50 ocean odd otter brewing ohop creek okeeffe oktoberfest old old school Old Town Oldies Oleanna ONCE OnlineDating open air market open data open house open mic opera opera theater opportunity orca orchestra orchestral Organ organic origami Orleans Avenue orting Oscar our community room will be opened for fiber artists of all varieties to hang out outdoor outdoor activities outdoor yoga outdoors outside Over 21 owen beach oysters ozobots Ozomatli pacific ave Pacific Grill Pacific Lutheran University pacific northwest paddle board pageant pain management paint Paint & Sip paint and sip paint pouring painting paintings pairing dinner paleo Pallavi Gunalan panel panels Pantages pantages theat Pantages Theater Paper crafting paper making parade Parenting parents parents night out park park;family;kids;free parking parks party Paul Thorn PBS pdza Peaks and Pints Peking Peking Acrobats Pelican Brewing Co people's park percussion percussion ensemble perform Performance performers Performing Arts personal growth personal training pet food drive pet friendly petmet parks pets petting zoo photography photos photovoltaics Piano piano trio pierce college Pierce County Pierce County Jobs pierce transit Pike Brewing pinball Pinocchio pipes & drums pirates plant based plant salvage planting platinum spandex play plays playzone plow PLU podcast Poetry point defiance Point Defiance Park point defiance zoo and aquarium point ruston polar bears Pole Dancing politics polka pony cars pony rides pop pop music popcorn pops on the lawn port port of tacoma port tours Portland Cello Project Portrait of Aretha Pot Tourism pottery powerBI Prairie Line Trail pray Prayer praying preschool presentation Preston Singletary Pride princess Prison Island prizes Proctor District productivity parlor prog rock Psychedelic psychedelic rock ptsd public policy public speaking Puget Sound Puget Sound Firefighters Puget Sound history Puget Sound Music For Youth Puget Sound Piano Trio PugetSoundhistory pumpkin patch pumpkins punk Puyallop Puyallup puzzles Q&A qualityoflife queen queer Quilt r&b race race cars racial equity racing Radio Host Radiohead raffle raffles food and drnk Ragtime ragtime orchestra railroad Rain Rainbow Center rainier to ruston rainiers rap Rappel Rat Pack reading real estate realestate realtor reception recital Recognition recovery recreation recreational vehicles recycling Red Salmon Creek Redhook Brewery referral Refugee refugees reggae rehab REI reindeer Relaxation Relay For Life Religion Renal Disease renewable energy Rent Reporters reptiles Rescue Mission research residential resource fair restoration resume resumes Retirement revolution Rialto Rialto Theater Rialto Theater Tacoma Richard Thompson ride 4 heroes Righteous Brothers river rivers robots rock rock and roll Rock and Roll Hall of Fame rock camp rockabilly Roger Fisher Rogue Ales roll rollerskating rollin 253 Roots music Ruby Bridges Run running rural rusticjoyfulfood Ruston Way Ruthie Foster RV Show; RV's safe safety sail boat sailing saint martin's university sale salmon salt n peppa samoa santa santa brunch Santa Claus Santa Photos Santa pictures Savory SBK Recycle Scandinavia scandinavian scanners scavenger hunt schneebeck concert hall School School of IAS School Supplies Schools science science cafe science dome Scotch Broom Scottish Scrapbooking screening Screening Mammography screenwriting Sculptures Scuttlebutt Brewing Seahawks Seaport seasonal seattle rock orchestra self help self love selfcare selflove Seminar senior living SeniorEmpowerment Seniors sensory crafts service sewing sexual dysfunction Shakespeare shanti sound healing shipping Shop Local Shopping Short Film short films short stories show Shows shred shredding event signing silent auction Silent Film sing-along singer/songwriter singing sinuses sisterhood sisters ska Skating Skookum Brewery small business small business saturday smokey joe's cafe snowboarding Soap making soccer social event social issues social justice social media social networking Social Services socialjustice socialmediamarketing sock hop soda floats soft rock soil solar solar power Solo Performance Workshop soul soul food soul music sounders soup sousa South East Asian South Sound South Sound Summit south tacoma Southcenter Southern Troubadours in the Round Spaceworks spaghetti factory Spamalot Spanaway spanaway lake high school speaker speakers special event special events special needs special performance speed dating Sphinx EXIGENCE spirits spiritual spirituality Spoken Word spooky sports spouse spring spring break spring fair springluncheon squash bowling st charles borromeo st patrick's day Stalking stand up Stand-up Stand-up comedy standup standup comedy standupcomedy star Star Chefs Startups state of the city steam Steilacoom stein stem Steph Tolev steward stewardship stilts story telling storytelling storytime strange stranger bands Street Fair street of treats streetcars stress relief stretching student activities student art Student Discount Student Recital student recitals Student showcase students Studio 3 studio 6 ballroom stwardship success coach Sudspop suffrage Sugar Detox Sugar Skull summer summer kick off Summer of Love sumner sumner trick or treat Superheroes Supplements Support surf sustainability sustainable SWAG Swan Lake swap meet swasey library Sweets swimming swing Swiss Pub swisspub symphony symphony orchestra symphony tacoma synthpop tableau Tacoma Tacoma Armory tacoma art Tacoma art class tacoma art group Tacoma Art Museum tacoma arts live tacoma beer Tacoma Beer Week tacoma buddhist temple Tacoma Business Networking tacoma chamber Tacoma City Ballet tacoma city marathon Tacoma City Theaters tacoma community college tacoma community house Tacoma Concert Tacoma Concert Band tacoma dome Tacoma Events Tacoma Events this August tacoma girls rock camp tacoma history Tacoma kids classes tacoma little theater tacoma little theatre Tacoma Mall Tacoma Music tacoma musical playhouse Tacoma Networking Tacoma Online Events Tacoma Online Virtual Events Tacoma Opera tacoma public library Tacoma Refugee Choir Tacoma Summer of Love Craft Beer Fest tacoma symphony orchestra Tacoma Wine Event Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity tacomaartmuseum TacomaCityTheaters TacomaCommunityHouse tacomalittletheatre tacomanightout tacomatheaters Tags (optional) tahaleh tahoma audubon Tai Chi Take 6 Take Me to the River tal talent talent show talk talks TAM Tapping tasting TaylorProtocols TCC tch tea tea party Tea Pot teachers Teaparty Teapot ted brown music Teddy Roosevelt TEDx TEDxTacoma Teen teen activities teen night teens Tennis textile arts textiles TGRC the amazing acro-cats The Band the beatles The Cascades The Color Run The Daily Show the grand the guess who The Hipsters The Kinsey Collection The Merlot Canvas the mighty oaks The Nasty Habits the nutcracker The Pantages Theater the social The Spazmatics The Spiritual Child the swiss The Swiss Pub The Wiz thea foss thea foss waterway Theater theater district theater games Theater on the Square Theater Simple theatre theatre arts Theatre on the Square theatrearts TheGuessWho therapy Things to do in Bellevue Things to do in Tacoma Things To Do in Tacoma WA things to do with pets think & drink think and drink third thursday thriftapalooza Thrifting Thurgood Thurston County tides tiki Timber Barons titlow beach Tlingit tmp Tod Marshall Toddler Todrick Hall tollefson plaza Tony top 40 top 40 hits tour Tournament tours town hall toys TraditionalMusic Traffic Light Eating trail run Train Ride Training trains transgender transgender rights transportation Trap Shooting Trapped: Escape Fort Nisqually travel travel event Tree lighting tree planting trees tribute tribute show Trick and Treat trick or treat Trick-or-Treating Triplets trivia trivia night trock trolley Trombone Shorty Troop Beverly Hills Tropicolor True crime Trunk-or-Treat Tukwila turkey trot tv TV Tacoma Twins Ukulele uncharted waters unemployment unicorns Unique United States Events Washington Events Things to do in Tacoma university of puget sound university of puget sound school of music university of washington tacoma ups UPS School of Music urban design used cars UW Tacoma uwt valentine's day events valentines valentinesdate vegan vehicles vendor fair Vendors ventriloquist Venue Veteran veteran's day Veterans veterinary practice VIBE vicci martinez Viceland Victim Advocates victimsofcrime victory garden video games Vintage viola Violin virtual Virtual class Virtual reality virtualfundraiser vision loss vocal Vocal ensemble Vocal performance vocals voci d'amici vodka voice voice of mississippi volunteer volunteering voxxy WA Tacoma Galas Tacoma Music Galas #concert #dinner #jazz #blues #performance #tacoma walk walk tacoma Walking wall art war war memorial park warehouse warrenmiller Washington Events Washington State washington state fair Washington State History Washington State History Museum Washington Trails Association Washington Wine Tasting Water water sports watercolor Waterfront watergate WaterLanternFestival watershed Waterway weareapcc weathelry inn weatherly inn weatherly inn senior living weaving Webinar wedding wedding fair weddingexpo weed control Weekend Wellness western swing westernart Wetlands Weyerhaeuser Wheelock Library whiskey White Christmas Market wildlife wiliam buckley Willy Wonka wind ensemble Windham Hill wine wine dinner Wine Event Wine Tasting winter winterfest Wisdom Witches Wizard of Oz Wizards woman composer women women's health women's history Women's History Month women; businesswomen; networking; empower; sisterhood womens events womensempowerment womenssuffrage Wonka wood Wood carvings woodwind quintet woodwinds woodwork Woodworking work work on projects work party working mom Working with Families of Homicide Workout workshop Workshops World Ballet Series world music World of Wonka World Premiere World War II worldfoodday writing wyatt smith xmas yard Yard art yarn Yelm YMCA yoga yoga wild young adult Young Professionals Youth Youth Dance youth design youth homelessness youth music Youtube youwerealwaysthere ywca Zephyr zimbabwe zoolights Zoom
Experience the best and brightest of Pierce County Parks newest attractions this winter at Spanaway Region Park with the Holiday Adventure package. Enjoy savings during this holiday season while making terrific memories with your family! Ice Bumper Cars, Ice Skating, Fantasy Lights, an exclusive goodie bag and so much more await.
Book a one night’s stay in Dupont with a hotel of your choice and be sure to add our Holiday Adventure package during the redeemable time frame. You and your family will receive discounts over 50% to amazing offers at Spanaway Regional Park for a small fee added to your room.
The Holiday Adventure package includes:
• 4 Ice Bumper Car tickets at Sprinker Recreation Center in Tacoma.
Ice Bumper Cars time slots are limited and based on availability. Reserving your session is highly recommended. Ice Bumper Cars schedule, rules and regulations are provided in the link above. Reservations can be made at: 253-798-4000
• 4 Ice Skating passes at Sprinker Recreation Center in Tacoma.
• 1 car admission to Fantasy Lights at Spanaway Park the Northwest’s largest outdoor holiday drive-through light display.
The Holiday Adventure package is redeemable from November 28 through December 31, 2019. Check each hotel website for specific “black-out” dates. Prices of hotel rooms vary and are determined by hotels.
Participating hotels in Dupont, WA are:
Best Western Liberty Inn
FairBridge Inn & Suites
Fairfield by Marriott
Hampton Inn by Hilton
Home 2 Suites by Hilton
December 20, 2019-January 1, 2020, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, closed Dec. 24 and 25, open Jan. 1
Included with admission, FREE for members
Note: Discounts and library passes are not valid during Model Train Festival
Bring your family, friends, and the railroad enthusiasts in your life to see this showcase of the most spectacular and detailed model railroad scenes in the Pacific Northwest! Train clubs from throughout Western Washington will set up their amazing layouts throughout the museum. You can also see the largest permanent public model train layout in Washington, and drive the freight train simulator. Parents and guardians take a break in the South Sound Activity Room, where kids can get hands-on with toy trains, Lincoln Logs and Legos while you rest your feet and peruse a magazine on the sidelines.
Santa will be on hand for free digital photos from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM on Dec. 21, 22, and 23.
Sunday, December 22 is also Teen Tix day! Show your Teen Tix card and get in for just $5.00.
Your Word for the Year
You get to set an intention, about how you want your year to flow.
Picking a Word Of The Year is an excellent way to do this. You may just have one word that really sticks out .
With meditation and a sound bath you can envision your word for the year.
You get to paint your word on a canvas board after some painting background fun!
REGISTRATION REQUIRED @ https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
Revive, self-nurture and reclaim forgotten vitality and passion!
Paint with Full Moon energy.
Join a group of like-minded women exploring their inner world.
Would you like to:
Awaken your fire and experience wisdom and joy of your own soul?
Strengthen your authentic voice
Let go of what no longer serves you
Claim your power
Peel off old beliefs
Speak with your voice & heart
Make a shift in your world
Acknowledge your wild magic
Reclaim your sacred crown and commit to your authentic essence
Release settling for less than, reach for what you deserve?
Painting is done in silence.
Let’s nurture your creativity and explore the realms of your imagination!
* all supplies
* sound bath
* movement to get the creative juices flowing
* kindness, love and support for your process
My dream is for you to experience creative freedom, a loving respect for your intuition. I have a hope that you will see painting as a sacred spiritual experience enhancing your souls growth. Come with an open heart.
Bring your lunch. Tea and dessert provided.
Say YES after registering.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED @https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
This class will walk you through the steps for purchasing your first home and provide you with resources for simplifying the process.
Join us as we explore how to become a first-time homeowner and learn what loan options best fit your needs.
This class is also perfect for people who haven’t purchased a home in years.
For more details and to register, please visit the registration link. Please note that class dates are subject to change based on registration. Those interested in attending must confirm their registration by phone or email to secure their space in the class. Please contact event organizer, Margo Greenman, with any questions.
What is your SACRED SYMBOLS for 2020?
CELEBRATE the Sacred within you with MaGical Sacred Symbols.
Connect to your INNER KNOWING with a community of supportive women & learn to tap into a whole new energy that can inspire the Art that is Your LIFE.
You will be presented with Sacred Symbols to choose from and listen to your inner knowing to choose the Sacred Symbol that serves your highest good.
YOU can set your Intention & Connect to your Intuition through a Guided Meditation.
YOU get to paint your Sacred Symbol step by step together to uncover the wisdom they have to share.
Let’s celebrate 2020 with a Sacred Symbols.
$25 – All supplies included
REGISTRATION REQUIRED @ https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
Sign-up now for this heritage skills workshop to learn skills in butchering and curing methods from the 19th Century. The instructors from Farmstead Meatsmith will demonstrate traditional seam-butchery where only knives and cleavers are used.
Participants will learn how waste is completely eliminated through traditional methods. There will also be a focus on principles of traditional nitrate-free whole-muscle curing, starting bacon, prosciutto and guanciale.
Finally, the workshop will focus on basic cooking methods and how all this work ultimately serves the home table. This class is a day-long, intimate observational experience, with occasional hands-on opportunities.
Bring your own sack lunch and filming/recording devices. Ages 16+ $100, 10am-4pm. Pre-registration required.
Please join me for an opportunity to finish one of your paintings, bring a new canvas, or paint over an old painting.
Artful will supply the paint.
(canvas can be supplied at an additional cost of $10)
Register @ https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
DIRECTIONS: GPS does not always get you to the studio
6 years old to 12 years old
Monday January 20 9:30am-12:30pm
BRING SNACK & Wear Art Clothes
Imaginative Projects kids will love!
Children benefit from creating art as it helps build confidence, problem solving skills, and social skills.
$30 – supplies included
REGISTRATION REQUIRED @ https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
“Sacred Artful Intuitive Painting Circle of Women”
• Who would like to step into the “creative process?”
Everyone is welcome. New and seasoned creators!
Tap into the healing power of Intuitive Painting.
No experience needed. We are all beginners ?
FOUR Session Commitment $100
REGISTRATION REQUIRED @ https://www.artfuldreamers.com/offerings
This is a 4 session class. Occurs @ 6:30-9:00pm
January 20, 27 February 3 & 10
We will gather in circle and paint and paint from the inside out!
Women empowerment through ART.
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and join in this creative experience?
Are you ready to stretch your wings and dance with color?
Do you desire to:
* connect to your own creative natural juiciness?
* give yourself the gift to create from your sacred soul?
* grow and bloom in a circle of love that supports and inspires you with an open hearted women?
* become part of a trusted community of women who want to share & connect through art?
Would you find joy in:
* being in a sacred circle where there is non-judgment?
* a group that can assist in your exploration of deep soul diving?
* strengthen courage in overcoming fear and embracing a new way of being?
An Intuitive Painting circle is a time to be fully immersed in a process designed to help you become aware and listen to your innate wisdom. Explore and express an inner voice not often heard. You know it… it is the aliveness, the spark, the vital self desiring nourishment, safety & encouragement to come forward. We paint in silence to deepen the experience.
Just show up, be present and paint from the heart.
As you experiment, you will be supported on your journey to wholeness as new facets of wonderful you are revealed. We are cheerleaders for each other. Do you want to be seen and heard and listened to? Join us won’t you?
“Artful Dreamers Studio changed my life! I was stuck in so many areas of my life and Nadine’s process painting helped me immensely . I started my journey almost 15 months ago and my life has shifted dramatically in only the most positive ways. Artful Dreamers is the safest most supportive place for self-exploration and deep healing. It is a place where you have permission to meet yourself wherever you are….with full permission to let go! Be messy, be wild, creative, funny, sad, afraid, whatever it is – it’s okay to FEEL! I’ve made life-long friends at Artful Dreamers and when I walk through those doors, I feel like I’ve come home.”
Thank you, Nadine for this beautiful offering! Debbie
“The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re week and sing with us when we are strong”. – Sark