1601 39th Ave. SE Puyallup
WA 98374
Those of all ages will find encouragement and information to promote a long and active life at Aging EXPO 2019, May 4 from 8 am to 4 pm at Pierce College Campus Central Building Puyallup in celebration of May as Older Americans Month. The event is free to the public and CEUs will be available to professionals. Register at www.aginginpuyallup.org.
Eric Larson, MD a leading expert in the science of healthy aging, will open the conference with practical advice on growing old with resilience and foresight. Afternoon keynote speaker Jennifer Kulik, PhD will lead an interactive presentation on how play contributes to understanding, memory and cognition and its importance in all stages of life. Breakout sessions will focus on a wide-variety of topics focused on how to make the most of the gift of longevity. Lunch is available for purchase and participants are invited to meet exhibitors of organizations and services especially helpful to our aging society.