Submitted by Franke Tobey Jones
In this time of continuing social distancing and no visitors allowed, Franke Tobey Jones has announced that they will host a Dad’s, Grads, Summer Fun Family Drive Through Parade throughout the FTJ campus on Thursday, June 18 at 2:00 p.m. All FTJ team member graduates and family member graduates are invited to walk or ride in the parade in cap and gown.
Resident family members can drive through campus on the parade route, and residents will be on their balconies or sitting outside along the parade route so everyone can see each other…but keeping the correct social distance. Family members have been encouraged to decorate their cars, make signs, honk their horns and wave…but they must stay in their cars.

“We hosted a similar parade in April,” says Christine Hall, Franke Tobey Jones Sr. Director of Marketing and PR. “And the turn out exceeded our wildest expectations! Cars were lined up around our building and as far down Vassault Street as we could see. It was an amazing day full of love, laughter, tears of joy and smiles from ear to ear!” Although Franke Tobey Jones residents have been Skyping, Zooming and FaceTiming their family members on a regular basis, sometimes every day, after three months of no family visits this will be such a wonderful opportunity for both residents and family members to see, in person, their loved ones and to celebrate all the wonderful graduates and dads!