Autumn is all about color, whether it’s the changing leaves or the jewel-toned hues of your fall wardrobe. At the seventh annual Quinault Beach Resort and Casino Show & Shine at the Shores car show on October 2-3, one of those seasonal tones is brightly polished chrome.
An easy two hours from Tacoma, the Quinault Beach Resort makes for a perfect overnight stay-cation or relaxing Saturday drive. Hosted in conjunction with the Push Rods of Hoquiam Car Club, Show & Shine at the Shores is open to vehicles of all kinds. Push Rods board member and Car Show Chairman Tony Halekakis stresses that “all types of cars are welcome: hot rods, classics, rat rods, daily drivers, trucks, military, motorcycles, and specialty vehicles like tow trucks and fire trucks.”
Interested aficionados can pre-register their car online until October 1 for $15 or for $20 at the show. The first 200 registered cars receive a collectible dash plaque and goody bag. In previous years available space has filled up early so make sure to sign up in advance. Entered cars are then eligible for “trophies awarded to 32 classes of vehicle. There is also a Best of Show trophy and a Quinault Beach Resort and Casino trophy as well as a People’s Choice award voted by ballot,” says Halekakis.
In 2014, the show hosted more than 270 cars with attendees from across the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Entered cars have come from as far away as Arizona, Montana, and California for this fan favorite event.

Off the showroom floor, the day promises a Push Rods Expo, diner, beer garden, root beer float stand, poker run, model car displays, and beef jerky booth. The Expo will showcase local car builders, memorabilia, and merchandise. More than $2,500 in cash and prizes will be awarded as well as a Quinault Beach Resort vacation for the first place winner of the Poker Run.
During the two day event, the Casino will offer food and drink specials, great hotel rates, and their Friday night ‘Land and Sea’ buffet. There will be nonstop 50’s and 60’s music and entertainment, culminating both nights with 9:00 p.m. performances by resort favorites Bobby Sox & Jukebox in the Ocean Lounge.
This year’s emcee is no stranger to the world of cars. Lance Lambert is described as “an automotive journalist, author, television producer and host, automobile appraiser, emcee and auctioneer” and hosts the weekly ‘Vintage Vehicle Show’ on “100 US stations and in 27 foreign markets with over 430 episodes having been produced.” He will be on-site signing copies of his new book Fenders, Fins & Friends: Confessions of a Car Guy and co-hosting with local radio personality Johnny Manson.
After a glorious summer of sun and self-indulgence, visitors can take heart that “the Push Rods activities, including this show, are all directed to local charities,” explains Halekakis. These include Meals on Wheels through the Aberdeen Senior Center, Hoquiam Elks Club, Grays Harbor Community Hospital Cardiac Rehab Center, Coastal Community Action Program, Ocean Shores Interpretive Center, American Cancer Society Cancer Walk, Grays Harbor YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, automotive scholarships at Grays Harbor College, Hoquiam Loggers Playday Festival Sponsorship, Grays Harbor Domestic Violence Center, Quinault Nation ‘We Care’ Project, Hoquiam Food Bowl, and Christmas Adopt-A-Family.
The weatherman is predicting a mild but wet fall so easy weekend escapes are definitely worthwhile. This show treat yourself to a pre-holiday treat while helping region-wide charities and that’s always win/win.
Pushrods of Hoquiam can be reached with questions by calling 360-532-1918. Book hotel stays at Quinault Beach Resort and Casino at 888-461-2214.