Eggs are like toilet paper and dish soap. They are a household staple you should not be without. Whether you prefer your eggs boiled, fried, scrambled, as a facial mask or hair conditioner, you cannot go wrong with the freshest ingredients. Although grocery stores and farmers markets are convenient options for purchasing eggs of all grades and labels, nothing beats the farm-to-table freshness and experience of purchasing at the farm.

Just compare the pale, flat and flabby yolk of an aged egg to the bright, plump and firm yolk of a fresh one, and you get my point. If you have been graced with the egg laying song from a proud hen, you really get it. And, if you have witnessed chickens pecking and scratching around the barnyard, you truly understand. Plus, it is cheaper than therapy. For additional information on egg standards, visit: Free-range, organic, and certified organic definitions and USDA organic standards.
The following are a dozen options for purchasing eggs straight off the farm from happy birds.
Mountain Morning Farm
Owner: Robin Griffin
10514 357th Street E in Eatonville
Preferred method of contact: Call ahead
Chicken Breeds: Ameraucana, Welsummer
Price: $3 a dozen (mixed big and little eggs)
Standard: Free-range
Left Foot Farms
Owner: Jeremy Foust
31510 44th Avenue E in Eatonville
Preferred method of contact: Call, email, or stop by
Chicken and Duck Breeds: Variety
Price: $6 a dozen chicken, $8 a dozen duck
Standard: Free-range
Firewater Farm

Owner: Janet Bailey-Hatfield
5227 Ray Nash Drive NW in Gig Harbor
Preferred method of contact: Call or text for pickup
Chicken Breeds: Light Brahma, Black Minorca, California White, Leghorn, Welsummer, Ameraucauna/Maran, Maran, Ameraucauna, Rhode Island Red
Price: $6 a dozen
Standard: Free-range
Special Note: She loves these birds, especially Macaroni the rooster.
Hilltop Fryer Farm
Owner: Gerald Gustafson
11224 234th Street E in Graham
Preferred method of contact: Stop by self-serve backyard stand with cash.
Chicken Breeds: Golden Sex Link, Black Sex Link, Rhode Island Red, Ameraucana, Leghorn
Price: $3.50 a dozen
Standard: Free-range
Latham Farms
Owner: Tresa Latham
13514 McCutcheon Road E in Orting
Preferred method of contact: Stop by self-serve roadside stand with exact cash for chicken and duck. Call ahead for goose eggs, larger orders (more than two dozen duck eggs or six dozen chicken eggs) or in the winter when they lay less.
Chicken Breeds: Marans of different colors, Bresse, Ayam Cemani, Legbars, Isbars
Duck Breeds: White layer, India Runner, Third Ancona
Price: $3 a ½ dozen chicken (large,) $5 a dozen chicken (normal), $3 a dozen chicken (small), $3 a ½ dozen duck (large), $6 a dozen duck (normal), $6 a ½ dozen goose, $20 a dozen goose
Standard: Free- range
Ryan Family Farm

Owner: Erica Ryan
6606 304th Street E in Graham
Preferred method of contact: Call or text ahead
Chicken Breeds: New Hampshire Red, Black Star, Barred Rock, Ameraucauna, Rhode Island Red, Buff Brahma, Ostralop
Price: $5.50 a dozen
Standard: Free-range
Little Eorthe Farm
(pronounced “earth”)
Owners: Carrie and Ken Little
21415 Orville Road E in Orting
Preferred method of contact: Call ahead for pickup
Chicken and Turkey Breeds: Variety
Price: $7.50 a dozen chicken, $6 a ½ dozen turkey
Standard: Certified organic pasture raised
Wild Hare Organic Farm
(previously Terry’s Berries)
Owners: Mark and Katie Green
4520 River Road E in Tacoma
Preferred method of contact: Stop by farm stand
Chicken Breeds: Mixed
Standard: Free-range, organic
Bright Spells Homestead Farm

Owner: Jessica Sun dahl
10169 50th Avenue E in Tacoma
Preferred method of contact: Call or text ahead for pickup Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Chicken Breeds: Silver Laced Wyandotte, Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock
Price: $4 a dozen chicken, $6 a dozen duck
Standard: Non-certified organic
Freeway Farm
Owner: Katrina Wallace
5918 150th Street SW in Lakewood
Preferred method of contact: Text for pickup or delivery
Chicken Breeds: Brahma, Cuckcoo Maran, Laced Wyandotte
Price: $2 a dozen
Standard: Free-range, non-certified organic
Special Note: Chickens got attacked over the winter; new batch is two months from laying
Knutsen Farm

Owner: Theresa Knutsen
5626 95th Avenue Court W in University Place
Preferred method of contact: Call ahead or text
Chicken Breeds: Light Brahma, Easter Egger x2, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington, Cuckoo Maran, Brown Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Red Sex Link, Jersey Giant, Porcelain Silke, Splash Silkie, Black Frizzle, Australorp, Welsummer
Standard: Free-range
Walstead Family Farm
Owner: Becky Walstead
Rosendale area, Gig Harbor
Preferred method of contact: Call or text ahead for pickup
Chicken Breeds: Silver Laced Wyandotte, Australorp, Buff Orpington, Jungle Fowl, a few mixtures
Price: $5 a dozen
Standard: Free-range